Fans who pay for MSG-YES partnership will be left kicking and screaming

Fans who pay for MSG-YES partnership will be left kicking and screaming

How much more will this YES-MSG deal cost us? How much more to remain a fan of the Yankees, Rangers, Islanders, Devils, Knicks, Nets and Liberty? Must we all now dig deeper to buy games rather than continue living without streaming purchases, as many of us holdouts and priority-aware have chosen to do the last few years?

Joe Buck thinks it ‘sucks’ how Al Michaels found out about NBC playoff demotion

Joe Buck thinks it ‘sucks’ how Al Michaels found out about NBC playoff demotion

If Al Michaels truly was blindsided by NBC removing him from the NFL playoffs this year, that doesn't sit well with Joe Buck. Buck, appearing as a co-host on this week's Marchand & Ourand podcast, praised the 79-year-old Michaels as the best to ever do it, and lamented the fact that Michaels seemingly was taken aback by losing his playoff assignment to Noah Eagle.

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